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以地质灾害实地调查成果为依据,总结了泉州市潜在地质安全隐患点的分布特征,在分析成因和风险基础上,立足地质灾害防治实践,重点针对农村房前屋后高陡边坡,探讨了具体防治对策。泉州地处福建省东南沿海,属亚热带海洋性季风气候,境内大部分地区属中低山丘陵区,地貌类型复杂多样,地处构造一岩浆发育区,区域地质环境比较脆弱,加上人类工程活动强烈,地质灾害发生较为频繁[1]。近年来,随着泉州市城乡经济以较快的速度发展,国土资源开发的强度不断加大,大量的不合理的工程建设活动进一步加剧,形成了数量众多的潜在地质安全隐患点,其中以农村房前屋后高陡边坡为主。  相似文献   
Cross-flooding ducts are used to equalize asymmetric flooding and, thus, to decrease the heel angle of a ship in an emergency. The present design guidelines for cross-flooding arrangements involve uncertainties associated with the effect of variable structural factors. In this study, scale model experiments were carried out to determine discharge coefficients of a typical cross-duct, with a focus on the effect of structural components such as the girders, stiffeners, and web frame. Flow conditions and configuration of the components were varied in the experiments. The structural stiffeners in the cross-duct were found to notably increase the discharge coefficient whereas the effects of the web frame and the inclination of the duct at an angle of 7° were negligible. The experimentally obtained discharge coefficient values for the cross-duct were considerably lower than the corresponding values computed according to the generally used guidelines of the IMO Resolution MSC.245(83). This indicates that the geometrical properties of the girders in the cross-ducts need to be properly addressed to avoid overestimating the discharge coefficients. Overall, the experimental results formed an indispensable dataset for the validation and further development of CFD approaches.  相似文献   
传统的电视电话会议,由于空间地域差异或者专业知识的限制,使信息沟通不完整,表述复杂,给会商参与者造成沟通交流障碍.在此基础上,增加分布式地理信息系统,可以使异地参会者实时协作完成各类专题地图制作,增强参会者对会商内容的快速理解,沟通更加便捷,提高会商质量.本文提出灾害应急会商中会议发起人——参会者模式的地图协同标绘应用...  相似文献   
安徽淮河流域洪涝灾害防灾减灾能力评估   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
采用层次分析法并融合专家意见,遵循客观性、数据获取便利性、指标量化可行性并突出主导因素等原则,构建综合防洪除涝能力、监测预警能力、抢险救灾与恢复重建能力以及灾害管理能力的洪涝灾害防灾减灾能力综合评估指标体系,对安徽淮河流域各县市洪涝灾害防灾减灾能力进行评估.评估表明:蚌埠市防灾减灾能力最高,其次为难南市、淮北市,再次为...  相似文献   
在综合整理公元前1831年-公元1980年中国地震灾害资料的基础上,运用GIS技术,着重探讨了中国地震灾害的时空特征以及中国地震灾害对交通影响的空间分布与类型分析。中国地震灾害记载的时间分布不平衡,是随时间的推移而逐渐呈现上升趋势;其空间分布也不平衡,元代以前集中于山西、河南、陕西一带,明清时期西南和台湾地区有所增加,民国及1949-1980年主要集中于西南、西北及台湾地区。中国地震灾害对交通影响的空间分布也集中于西北、西南地区,特别是云南、四川和新疆,通过地震烈度的空间分布,可知高烈度的地震对新疆的交通系统影响较大,云南和四川较低烈度的地震对其交通系统的影响也比较大,这是因为3省皆分布于中国强震带内,且四川和云南地形复杂,多山地丘陵,其交通线的分布多沿山川行进,故较易受地震影响。然后,依据破坏程度、次生灾害、交通构筑物破坏可将地震灾害对交通的影响划分为不同的影响类型。  相似文献   
基于信息量模型的玉树地震次生地质灾害危险性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010-04-14发生在青海省玉树的Ms7.1级地震引发了大量的地质灾害.基于GIS技术和信息量模型方法,以坡度、坡向、高程、坡形、地貌类型、断层距和地层岩性为评价因子,通过空间分析计算各因子的信息量,分析地质灾害在各因子中的空间分布特征,对各评价因子图层进行空间建模,将获取的信息量图划分为高度、中度、轻度三级危险区,通过遥感解译研究区实际滑坡分布,与危险性分布图叠加表明:本次研究得出的危险等级与实际的滑坡发生情况相吻合,为灾区重建提供参考依据.  相似文献   
An abrupt ice and snow storm disaster which occurred in the spring of 2008 se-verely destroyed forests over a surprisingly large portion of southern China.A transect crossing Jinggang Mountain-Jitai Basin-Yushan Mountain-Wuyi Mountain was selected as the study area.The authors integrated field data collected in two field surveys to analyze the impacts of the disturbance on forests.The following results were obtained.(1) The extent of damage to plantations along the transect decreased in the order of slash pine > masson pine > mixed plantation > Chinese fir.Slash pine is an introduced species from southern America which is characterized by fast growth,low wood quality and rich oleoresin,and showed a damage rate of 61.3% of samples,of which 70.4% cannot recover naturally.Masson pine is the native pioneer species of forests with harder wood,and 52.5% were damaged due to turpentine,of which 60.9% cannot recovery naturally.Chinese fir is a local tree species and samples showed a rate of 46% and a relative rate of 32.5%,lower than the mixed plantation.(2) From west to east along the transect,we can see that evergreen broad-leaved forest of the western transect on Jinggang Mountain showed the lightest damage extent,and a Cryp-tomeria plantation at an altitude of 700 m was severely destroyed while Chinese fir showed light damage below 700 m and relatively severe damage above 900 m.Masson pine and slash pine in the central transect in Jitai Basin were damaged severely due to turpentine ac-tivities,and closed natural secondary deciduous broad-leaved forest was damaged severely due to high ice and snow accumulation on intertwined shrubs.Masson pine aerial-seeding plantations below 400 m along the eastern transect in Xingguo and Ningdu counties were nearly undamaged for small tree sizes,and Chinese fir at 500-900 m altitude showed a lighter damage extent.However,masson pine which was distributed above 400 m and planted in the 1960s,was severely damaged due to turpentine.  相似文献   
云南盐津地区地质灾害发育特征及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过地质资料分析,结合野外详细调查,揭示盐津地区地质灾害的发育特征和影响因素。研究认为,盐津地区滑坡多发生于第四纪松散坡积斜坡,崩塌多发生于砂岩、页岩、泥岩软硬相间结构斜坡与灰岩高陡悬崖,泥石流多发生于河谷沟谷;地质灾害控制性影响因素包括地质构造、地形地貌、坡体结构和岩土体工程地质岩组,诱发因素包括地震活动、降水和人类工程活动;地质灾害与人类工程活动和采矿活动关系密切。研究成果对当地防灾减灾具有重要指导作用。  相似文献   
申健  郭英  刘晓晓 《城市地质》2015,(Z1):205-209
四川省华蓥市矿产资源丰富,矿业经济发展迅速,由采矿导致的地质灾害问题也日趋严重。矿山地质灾害是华蓥市突出的地质环境问题之一,各类地质灾害隐患总计92处。对华蓥市矿业开发存在的一系列矿山地质灾害进行了分析,对它们的成因进行了研究。针对华蓥市矿山地质灾害的特点,依据"以人为本"的原则确定治理对象,分别从滑坡与不稳定斜坡.崩塌.泥石流及地面塌陷4个方面提出具体的防治措施及建议。  相似文献   
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